Sunday, December 22, 2013

Eek! Almost Christmas!!

I was just re-reading my last post...I had almost forgotten about the snow!  This weekend it has been 70 degrees, because, you know, Christmas.  It's been a little peculiar to say the least (plus very difficult trying to get dressed. T-shirt? Jacket? Shorts? WHAT DO I DOOOOO? Haha.)

In knitting news, I had a whole post written out last week in my notebook, talking about my progress on the fingerless mitts,
Took me 8 hours to get this far, while watching Good Eats, Carl Sagan's Cosmos (which I can no longer find), and Doctor Who's Spearhead from Space.  Imagine what would happen if I just worked without distraction???

The gifts I needed to finish,

Bike Helmet Ear Warmers for the BF

Christmas tree pin for a friend
And some other random things, but look!  They're all done now (and I totally forgot to post it. whomp whomp)!  The bike helmet ear warmers were very well received, but we discussed adding a button to each to actually keep them in the correct location.  They're a little dorky, but no dorkier than wearing a hat underneath your helmet (and way more comfy!).  The Christmas tree pin will be given tomorrow, I think she'll totally dig it, but I'll let you know how it goes!  I also made some cute tags/business cards for each gift, using the sheep photo from Iceland.  It needs a little work, but a good start!  I can't wait to make more!  :-) 

The fingerless mitts are still just "mitt", and remember that Simplicity Cowl?  Yea, still haven't seamed that up.  At least I wove in the ends where I broke the yarn and had to do some joining.  But not yet seamed.  I didn't know about the provisional cast-on when I started, so that cowl will definitely not be as cool as it should be.  Almost totally awesome, but not quite.

Alright, 2 more nights til I fly home, need to make my fingers fly through the yarn!  Happy knitting!  Have a great Christmas!

PS - haha, I was reading my posts from the beginning.  I made absolutely NOTHING on my original Christmas gift list!  They say if you post your goals, or at least announce them to others, you're more likely to stick to them.... bwahahahahaha.  Not true.  All lies.  Hahaha.  But everyone gets something anyway.  Except for my mom.  She gets a ball of yarn and a pattern.  The she can tell me, "no, I don't like that, make me this instead".  I feel that's a much more appropriate use of my knitting time (plus it's been very difficult thinking of something she'd really like.)  Ok, off i go!

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