Monday, October 7, 2013

I thought I was done!!

Hey folks!  Look, a pretty blocking photo:
Look at that tape job to make right angles!  Fantastic!

And now a cool blocking photo:

The Star Wars theme should be in your head right now

Alas, too bad it wasn't to be.  I blocked the Simplicity cowl, then realized it was WAAAYYYY too short.  WAY.  Couldn't even make it around my head twice.  Granted, I do have a big head, but still, it was ridiculous.  So now I have to learn how to un-bind a suspended bind-off and splice some yarn to make the cowl longer.  I somehow never learned that adage "measure twice, cut once" even going through architecture school and building tiny models.  Nope, too impatient.  sigh.  oh well.  Another learning experience I suppose.  I'll try and post some photos of my un-binding effort, if I don't get super frustrated.
In other projects....well, I don't have any.  I really need to start another one, I was actually getting pretty antsy this weekend with nothing on the needles.  I know I have three projects coming up: a winter headband for the boyfriend (really need that since hopefully the weather will cool down soon), socks for mom, and cowl for other sister.  I actually have yarn for two of the three, but not the correct needles.  and I haven't even really found a pattern for any of them.  The headband may just be a ribbing, maybe cabling.  We'll see.
Speaking of the was almost 90 degrees today.  it's October.  In DC.  It's a little hot for this time of year.  Now, I wouldn't really mind, but we went apple- and veggie-picking today, and it was just waaaay too hot to be picking fruits and veggies!  I mean, they're delicious (like woah) and all, but I have a sun headache now!  terrible.  Hopefully the weather calms down and starts behaving like fall, because I am just really confused all the time now.  I can't tell what day or month it is anymore!  

Here's a llama for your viewing pleasure.  He was at the farm today.
I was a little wary.  He had been sitting down until I got there.  I thought he'd spit on me.
Have a great week!

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