Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dang - a second week?

Woo hoo!  Look at me, two weeks in a row!  That's 2x better than my last blog!  :)  I was actually super excited to write a new post - just to share everything new!

*Knitting Projects*
Never-ending Socks - I actually worked on my sock this week!  See?

New stitches have been added - 10 repeats of the Bamboo Weave stitch (*/yo, k2, pass yo over the 2 knit stitches/*, even rows are all knit).  I realize now I didn't post a photo of the sock last week, so here it is - see that tiny grouping stitches on the right?

yea, that was my sock last week.  But it looks much better now! yay!  I didn't reduce the number of stitches while I did the pattern, so unfortunately, this sock is probably another wide slipper sock just to wear around my apartment in the winter.  Oh well, I call them my practice socks.  Next time, I should probably do a gauge swatch before I pick a pattern.  I really want to do lace socks, I have a really weird fascination with lace.
Simplicity Cowl- I haven't worked on the cowl at all.  I have some tinking to do, and I've been at work late, so I don't want to do anything that requires brain power.
iPod Case - Here's a project I completed for a Christmas gift last year, but have never taken a photo of.  It's an iPod case with a Lopapeyesa (Icelandic) pattern.  It was a memento to my boyfriend for our amazing trip to Iceland.  He loves it and uses it all the time.  It's a little fuzzy tho, but that's what happens with Icelandic wool I suppose.  I also never blocked it. Do you think that would have helped?

*In my ears*
I've been listening to the Knitting Pipeline with Paula, and I love it!  I actually joined the group on Ravelry and introduced myself, and she is so nice, she responds to everyone's messages, AND mentions you on the podcast!  She called me "J-Yo-Pat-Knots".  I should probably have put a pronunciation guide to my name (It's Jo-Pat-Knots).  My name has a silent "y" in English.  Oh well, I still felt special!  yayyyy!  I've also checked out a ton of other blogs, and one of them mentioned this awesome book of patterns that I think is super creative: Lit Knits.  All of the patterns are inspired by literary characters! super cool!
I've also been listening to The Wind Through the Keyhole by Stephen King, also read by him.  It's considered book 4.5 of the Dark Tower series.  I absolutely *love* the Dark Tower series, so I was excited this book was on CD at the MLK library!  I'm not a huge fan of Sai King's voice, but it has grown on me as I've been listening.  I think I just start hearing the characters in my head as I want them to sound.  Roland's voice gets deeper, and Susannah's gets sassier.  It was pretty funny to hear some Detta Walker curses out loud.  Those are ridiculous!!

*Other life*
Did some climbing today, 6 climbs, but I bailed close to the top of the last one - my arms were DONE for the day.  So they weren't terribly hard climbs, but there was more than the usual quantity.  PLUS - it was prefaced with some delicious Vietnamese food at Pho Nom Nom!!  yum!

Finally - I give you a photo shot by the bf.  It makes me chuckle.

Alright everybody, thanks for reading, see you next week!

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