Sunday, September 15, 2013

They're done! They're done!

The socks are done!!! WHEEEEEEE!  I'm so excited, it's a little ridiculous.  But they're so soft and squooshy, I love them.  :)

As you can see, they don't match patterns, and one is bigger than the other.  Actually, one fits in the foot, while the other one fits on the ankle.  It's pretty funny, but they are oh so comfy and I'm very happy!  They are on Ravelry here.  Now onto the next pair!  My mom requested a pair while I was still working on them (but in a very sideways, "look, these ones fit me just right" sort of asking, lol).  So I'm checking some patterns on Ravelry to see what to make.  I think she'll get something somewhat lacy, in a solid color, with a higher cuff, maybe a couple of inches.  I only hope I can keep them from laddering so much!  That was my main problem, with both of the socks - I couldn't keep my stitches tight enough.  How do you handle that?  Any suggestions? 

I've also added to the Simplicity Cowl, but not enough for a photo.  I'm hoping I can finish it by end of the month.  It depends how distracted I get by everything else!

In other knitting notes, I had to work late one day, but I wasn't really doing any work, so I was looking at tips on dyeing yarn, and this koolaid thing looks pretty fun and easy, so I think I might be trying that soon.  I already have some ideas of some small projects, but one thing I really want to make is a shawl that has the colors of a Bermudan beach.  I went there this past summer and it was gorgeous!  See below:

See? Gorgeous!
I was thinking it would be a super lightweight airy shawl, but I have to build up some courage to do that.  It's very different from everything else I've done (which isn't much, granted).  I could probably find yarn in those colors and make an "ombre" shawl, but it would be pretty cool to dye the colors myself!

I also attempt to grow plants.  I'm not that great at it, but everything's alive, plus check out the color fade on this basil!  Now I want to make or find something that looks like that!  Inspiration is everywhere!

I'm keeping it to knitting this week (I have a cold today-boooo), so thanks for reading, I'll see you next week!

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